Kawehi Sellers
Associate Professor
Email: kawehils@hawaii.edu ● Phone: (808)734-9727 ● Office: Olapa 130
Kawehi is a full-time faculty member with Kapi'olani Community College's Hospitality and Tourism Education Program. She teaches the Events Management course, Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism and Career and Customer Service Skills. Prior to joining KCC, she was the Director of Student Services at the University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Travel Industry Management. She has also worked for Hilton Hawaiian Village and Stryker Weiner Associates Public Relations. Kawehi holds a Masters Degree in Education from the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa.
She has worked to help the department and other colleagues in the UHCC system to implement gamification into classrooms as a means to increase student engagement and to help students better grasp the course content.